It's been a while since I lost haha ok kidding, been so busy plus lazy lately hehe
Okay so harini nak review pasal UiTM Tapah, so lets get started!
I know most of you guys didnt know about the existence of UiTM Tapah include me tapi sekarang dah tahu la after i get an offer to study here haha. I have been here for a few months so kalau nak cerita pasal environment , buildings and serba sedikit tu boleh la.
What do u mean by fasa?? Korang mesti tertanya apa fasa ni kan, Dekat sini baru ada dua fasa, im not so sure in future akan ada berapa fasa lagi. Fasa 1 ni fully under uitm while fasa dua still under swasta (nanti korang faham la bila dah masuk sana) Fasa 1 ada kolej gamma, audi and lain lain which is quite far nak ke fasa 2 and pity for guys kena jalan kaki but soon maybe ada jalan berbumbung.
Fasa 2 pulak ada fakulti and kolej perempuan and bilik pensyarah and macam macam lagi lagi. Too many too describe.
First thing and foremost , aku cerita pasal kolej la. Dekat sini ada 3 kolej, which is Gamma, Beta & Alpha. Gamma untuk lelaki, and the other two kolej is perempuan punya kolej. kolej gamma im not sure how is the condition, but for sure facilities for girls kolej sumpah terbaik gila. And semua nampak macam baru walaupun dah setahun lebih, girls patut bersyukur walaupun korang dapat dekat tapah yang tiada apa apa ini cey. Bilik air dia quite selesa and look fancy but i forgot to take the picture haha. N yaa bilik dia ada yang kongsi 2 orang and 4 orang untuk kolej perempuan while lelaki im not sure about that.
please ignore yang bersepah sepah tu
your study table which is quite big and definitely selesa untuk korang belajar
and almari lupa nak tangkap hehe
but girls dont worry dalam almari dah ada cermin okay
So far dekat sini ada tiga fakulti which is fakulti perakaunan, sains gunaan (fsg) and lagi satu fskm ( sains matematik if im not mistaken ) stands for tak ingat nanti i google eh lol
Fakulti perakaunan dekat dengan kolej beta while fsg dekat dengan alpha. So girls you are so lucky!!
ok dekat sini ada 5 kafe which is ada kafe dekat setiap kolej which 3 kafe and lagi 2 kafe dekat pusat pelajar and plaza pentadbiran dekat dengan library a.k.a ptar, nanti korang tahu la dekat mana pp and ptar ni. So far kafe terbaik kafe beta cey mentang mentang aku duduk sini but no doubt! Lauk lunch sumpah sedap *cryyy* burger daging paling terbaikkkk, char keuw teow murah gila and sedapp and banyak jugak!!! And dekat kedai burger ada jual macaroni spaghetti range price RM 2- RM 4 banyak mana korang letak dalam polistren sbb dia timbang and sedap gilosss! Tapi kalau korang nak makan roti canai kat sini pun ada jugak tapi kat kafe pp, sedap jugak! Ok kalau nak cakap pasal makanan sampai esok pun tak habis kot
The best roti canai in tapah, RM 1 ( roti kosong )
library dia besar okay, 3 tingkat. And malam tutup for sure but dont worry if you guys nak buat discussion or study , dekat luar ptar ni ada bilik bacaan 24 jam which is sampai malam bukak and place is quite limited. but doesnt mean korang boleh duduk sana 24 jam pandai pandai la ye balik bilik masing masing.

Yess uitm tapah provided you guys with wifi. Ni jugak korang patut bersyukur but dekat fasa 1 takde, fasa 2 je ada okay. And for girls jangan risau sampai bilik korang pun still boleh access hehe
Tapi takde lah selaju wifi unifi rumah korang ye, but okay la wifi untuk kegunaan ramai. Korang tengok youtube pun lepas haha tapi better use for a god sake untuk cari information for your assignment , bukak student portal ke hehe
It just an outdoor gym, baru je buat but dekat fasa 1 jelah ada.

Dekat sini paling best is pemandangan awan. Lagi lagi masa waktu pagi , i feel so blessed. Rasa macam bestnya tengok awan hehe
7) Unit Kesihatan
Known as UK, if korang sakit boleh datang sini. So tak perlu pergi klinik luar. But during weekends and PH tutup.
*sorry if ada tersalah information (let me know) bcs im still new here
*if u have anything to ask me feel free to drop ur question below